
Monday, April 30, 2012


This will be a rough layout of our game. Our game will include a room and an island. This will be a treasure hunt game however with obstacles.
The character will have to collect all the 10 coins hidden indoors and outside the house. However there will be dangers outside the house. He will have to protect himself from getting hurt from dangers coming from around him. He have a total of 3 lives.
Once he get hit by a bullet, a new life will begin. Until all 3 lives are being used up. The game ends.After he have collected all the coins in time he wins. However, if he fails to collect the coins in time. He loses. We target to complete the game in less than a minute.
My role is to do the scripting (movement of the character) in this game.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Group Name: Cool

Group Members:
Lim Zhi Yi
Jennifer Leong
Ng Jia Ying
Lim Hui Qing

- This will roughly how our island layout will look like.

Synopisis: Treasure Hunt and there will be obstacles in the island. Our character will meet obstacles and he/she will have to collect all coins before the time is up.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Name and Nickname: Lim Zhi Yi, Zyee
Hobby: Photography, Video Editing
Visual Effects Expertise: ---
Favorite Food: Tom Yum Soup & Brownies
Favorite Movie : The Happening, The Lady
Favorite Website : Fb